Easy Apple Strudel Recipe (2024)

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ByStephanie Wilson

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This Easy Apple Strudel recipe, or Apfelstrudel, isa centuries-old classic made easy with store-bought pastry. Perfect for entertaining, bake sales,or simply inviting the neighbors over for tea… and strudel.

Easy Apple Strudel Recipe (1)

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When the seasons’ change and the air turnscrisp, apple baking goodies is never far from my mind. Whether that be pie, a slow cooker apple crisp, or this Easy Apple Strudel. In fact, we have a lot of apple desserts on 31 Daily.

RELATED: More 31Daily Apple Recipes →

“Strudel,” a Germanword, derives from the Middle High German word for “whirlpool” or “eddy”. I mentioned strudel was a centuries-old classic. The oldest known recipe is actually a handwritten recipe for milk strudel dated from 1696.

While it’s most commonly attributed to German origins, most agree it has strong roots in Austria. In fact, it’s one of Austria’s national dishes.

Apple Strudel Recipe Ingredients

Here’s an overview of what you need to make this oh-so-easy apple strudel in puff pastry. The exact measurements are in the recipe card at the bottom of this post.

  • Golden raisins
  • Large apples, peeled, cored, and thinly sliced
  • Lemon juice to keep the apples from browning
  • Brown sugar for sweetness
  • Seasonings: ground cinnamon and nutmeg
  • Store-bought puff pastry
  • Egg: for a finishing egg wash
  • Powdered sugar for dusting

How to Make Apple Strudel in Puff Pastry

Step-by-step instructions are in the recipe card at the bottom of this post, but this will give you an overview of how to make this delicious fall dessert.

  1. Soak the raisin in hot water, thaw puff pastry and thinly slice the apples and add both to a large bowl.
  2. To the bowl add brown sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg; toss to coat.
  3. Roll out thawed pastry and add apple filling to the middle of both sheets.
  4. Cut 1/2-inch wide strips of pastry on either side of the apple filling.
  5. Transfer to a sheet pan and alternately fold pastry strips over the filling.
  6. Brush with egg wash and bake 35 to 40 minutes, or until golden.

More Apple Recipes You May Also Enjoy

  • Apple Tarte Tatin Recipe
  • Easy Apple Fritter Bread
  • Apple Dutch Baby: German Oven Pancake Story
  • Maple Apple Banana Bread: A Treat for Fall
  • Cast Iron Irish Apple Cake


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Easy Apple Strudel Recipe (2)
Easy Apple Strudel Recipe (3)

Easy Apple Strudel

Yield: 12 servings

Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cook Time: 35 minutes

Total Time: 55 minutes

This Easy Apple Strudel recipe, or Apfelstrudel, isa centuries-old classic made easy with store-bought pastry. Perfect for entertaining, bake sales,or simply inviting the neighbors over for tea... and strudel.


  • 1/2 cup golden raisins
  • 3 large apples, peeled, cored, and thinly sliced
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 3/4 cup packed brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 2 sheets frozen puff pastry, thawed
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon water
  • Powdered sugar for dusting


  1. Soak the raisins in a bowl filled with hot water to cover for 15 to 20 minutes. Drain excess water and discard.
  2. Add sliced apples to a large bowl and toss with lemon juice. Then add raisins, brown sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg; stir to combine. Preheat the oven to 400°F.
  3. Gently unfold the thawed puff pastry onto sheets of parchment paper and roll to smooth out the creases. Divide the apple filling and spread it evenly in the middle of the pastries.
  4. Using a pastry cutter or pizza wheel, cut the dough into ½-inch wide strips on both sides of the apple filling, lining them up evenly. Carefully move the parchment paper to the 2 baking sheets.
  5. Once on the baking sheets, fold each strip across the apple filling at a downward angle, alternating sides down the length of the strudel. Left, right, left, right. Dab a bit of water on your finger to seal the pastry strips when they overlap.
  6. In a small bowl, whisk together the egg and water to create an egg wash. Using a pastry brush, lightly coat the pastries. Bake for 35 to 40 minutes, or until golden brown.
  7. Before serving, dust with powdered sugar.

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Easy Apple Strudel Recipe (2024)
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